Negative.....Interest rates, "Bail In's " due to bank failures, etc are real and they are the cause of alot of golds movement. Take a few hours of your time and look up what is happening in the world, there are tons of reasons to buy gold and silver.
On Monday Austria just instituted a bail in to save a bank ( Canada made it legal in 2013 ) ......many more banks and bail ins are in the works. we know gold and silver markets have been suppressed for years and Deutsche bank was caught and signed off on a fine agreement on the 13th of April ( 2 days ago ) and are providing the names of people and other banks involved, dominoes will fall soon enough but no one will go to jail and no one will admit any wrong you know that China's Shanghai Gold Exchange will start operating Next Tuesday, who knows how it will affect the gold markets but they will only allow physical trading, NOT BOGUS PAPER trades, WTF is JP Morgan going to do.....
There are tons of reasons to be in gold, both physical bullion and ownership in the miners is a way to protect ourselves if there are issues in the future.
Im not one of those "own 6 months worth of water, have a weapon, etc" people, I think its all a little too far out there for me BUT I do believe that gold and silver should be owned by everyone.....