whoopee cushions reduce butt cancer!..President bobo and 47 and a half employees have been working hard to increase shareholders $$$$! They were forced into their new shabbie officessss and forced to sit on chairs that had have cushions that are only 2 meters thick and then forced to sit everyday doing nadaaa! But now they are using wooopeeee cushions 3b2 and will after a year of shi..ng oops I mean sitting produce a lot of methane and then the fffffduckaaaaa can try them if they like then they can ask us for another study! Meanwhile back at the tsuckt ranch a movie theater, Chinese food resteraunt, games room, exercise combo message oops massage parlour and woopeee detox room are soon to be completed. BNC/tst has been around for over twentyfold years and oy!! The company has not sircumsized we need to be reserected now!!!