RE:Real NewsThe only news with pharma will be completion of the trials then a deal. There is no such thing as being half pregnant with a pharma deal so serious investors wait for the total deal or nothing. That is why they call these things a deal not a "50% deal 50% dream". If there was a problem to date the trial would have ended so keep fingers crossed. """""dog toothpaste may be in Q2 or 3 """""""Likely they wont get full $3.6M so the other products like shampoo for humans may not happen in Q4. Again it is science and formulations have ot be tweaked as the science unfolds not as your patience demands. """"""""""""""This is science and products don't march out of vending machines like you keep posting here that you want them to do but you cant accept that so you keep complaining that news is hidden from your eyes."""""""""""""" And all products and programs have to compete with the others for the scarce $ if the full $3.6M doesn't come in 2 weeks.