dec 17 NG at 3.10 US
maybe warrick NG storage will hav a very robust NG storage business this year with a nice contango spread from front month.
also bodes well for long term pricing and possible hedging opportunities.
don't forget shallow shale is profitbale at 3 /mcf as the infastructure is already there just waiting to the wells to be drilled and hooked up..
LaMBS if that was you selling thanks I got a small blocks under 1.20, and which will setup nice leading into next weeks equity swap deadline.
I'm pretty sure between insiders and non insiders PMT should get their allotment if not being over subscribed.
everyone will want TOU shares, best in the bus
good weekend everyone, even you lambs, I can't bug you too much as you are helping me make money almost daily, but todatys trade was not PMT but ATH with a nice little run up