NOTWRONG Where am I wrong in my calculations below.
Show me instead of saying childish things.
I am waiting for your answer.
fdfd12 wrote: WRONG here is the math aain.
As of Friday morning, when this article was written:
all in $US
stock price 30.5
shares out 51.1
mark cap 1,558
Net Debt 3,166
ENT Value 4,724 (cap+debt)
Guid EBITDA 630
EV/EBITDA 7.5 (4,724/630)
NOW to get the EV/EBITDA to 10 as Mcreath said it should be.
Notice in the article, Alpha says a normal ratio for past sales is 14!!!!!!
all in $US
stock price 30.5
shares out 51.1
mark cap 3,134 (THIS CHANGES)
Net Debt 3,166 (stays the same)
ENT Value 6,300 (cap+debt)
Guid EBITDA 630
EV/EBITDA 10 (6,300/630)
so when mark cap is 3,134
then divide it by 51M shares we get $61.45US.
A ratio of 12 or 14 would make it a higher US stock price.
Hope this is clear.