get out while you still can
Does anybody remember an old TSX darling from a decade ago? Remember how all the analysts said that you had to buy Nortel. It went to zero. I see similarities with Valeint...all the analysts said must buy it. The first warning sign was when it dropped from over $300 to $200 and then under $100. But the baggies already lost over they were fearful to sell. Baggies hold on tight and away it fell further to under $30. Now some bagholders that bought at the top have lost about 90%. Many brown pants hit the washing machines. It recently deadcat bounced from about $30 to mid $40s and the hopeful bagggies prayed for more upside. I will let you in on what the share price will be in about two years or so. $ lower ....$200 .... no lower ....$100... no lower .... $50..... no lower .......$ lower.....$10 no lower.......GULP.......$0. That's right, it will be zero in a couple of years. A few baggies might bail, but most bagholders will hold to the end. Remember, I told you so.