Fidelity and Scotia are the big buyers of this stock.

House Positions for C:DEC from 20160418 to 20160420

House Bought $Val Ave Sold $Val Ave Net $Net
22 Fidelity 3,517,000 180,430 0.051 0   3,517,000 -180,430
85 Scotia 2,330,500 99,552 0.043 793,300 39,837 0.05 1,537,200 -59,715
89 Raymond James 150,000 8,250 0.055 0   150,000 -8,250
79 CIBC 1,132,615 47,889 0.042 1,059,000 48,910 0.046 73,615 1,021
58 Qtrade 50,000 2,000 0.04 0   50,000 -2,000
124 Questrade 20,000 700 0.035 0   20,000 -700
39 Merrill Lynch 27,000 1,215 0.045 27,000 1,395 0.052 0 180
59 PI 4,788 240 0.05 5,238 231 0.044 -450 -9
54 Global 0   5,000 200 0.04 -5,000 200
36 Latimer 0   6,400 352 0.055 -6,400 352
13 Instinet 40,000 2,200 0.055 48,000 2,490 0.052 -8,000 290
74 GMP 0   30,000 1,650 0.055 -30,000 1,650
88 Credential 50,000 2,325 0.047 85,000 3,995 0.047 -35,000 1,670
80 National Bank 156,000 8,320 0.053 223,600 10,619 0.047 -67,600 2,299
19 Desjardins 64,450 2,663 0.041 177,000 9,005 0.051 -112,550 6,342
99 Jitney 21,000 1,210 0.058 134,000 6,075 0.045 -113,000 4,865
28 BBS 0   133,000 5,320 0.04 -133,000 5,320
95 Wolverton 0   400,000 19,000 0.048 -400,000 19,000
2 RBC 293,588 12,522 0.043 758,528 38,128 0.05 -464,940 25,606
9 BMO Nesbitt 93,000 4,980 0.054 663,700 28,717 0.043 -570,700 23,737
1 Anonymous 1,542,000 79,460