WARNING 2015 AUDIT AUDITORS GOING CONCERN STATEMENT ON SEDARThe Annual Audit by Davidson & Co. Auditors.- Letter states an Emphasis of Matter on Page 2 -
AUDITORS draw Attention to the Consolidated Financial Statement Note 1 - which describes conditions and matters that indicate the existence "OF MATERIAL UNCERTAINITY THAT MAY CAST SIGNIFICANT DOUBT ABOUT FORTY NINE NORTH's ABILITY TO CONTINUE AS A GOING CONCERN" quote from the Emphasis of Matter Clause in the Auditors Letter and NOTE 1 in the CFS.
AUDITORS - NOTE 1 - Consolidated Financial Statement - ON PAGE 8 of the CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT - under GOING CONCERN
FILED ON SEDAR THIS EVENING - UNDER 49 North - Search Financial Statements and it will pop up.
FNR is an Illiquid Stock whose trading, my opinion and based on years of observation, has an ODOR to it - Public Portfolio is trading at or near its lows and many are ILLIQUID STOCKS such as OMM, WTR, GCR, DNI, EPL and their private portfolio is ILLIQUID.
AVOID or SELL if you can my opinion based on AUDITED FINANCIALS, Trading history, Sinking/ILLIQUID Portfolio, broken business model, state of the financial and credit MKTS and bear mkts in resources and the need for CASH.