2 Bit Schmucks or Smokescreen
When I heard GM at SW was driving the aquistion of AOS stock I was confident that the new BOD would leverage the AOS cash into a new business plan. But now, I'm not sure.
My question is this....
Why on earth would a capital investment company spend all the time, energy and money and assume the liabilities and legal fees associated with a hostile takeover on a publicly trading company,,,, just to dissolve it and walk away with an indefinate 0%-15% pretax profit.
Any CEO worth its salt should be able to leverage 30M cash into a 120M (or more) capital investment pool. Dissolution of a company and the liquidation of its assets make sense when the returns are in the high double digits,,,not when the return is negligible to the shareholders.
This is either a case of smokescreening to keep the share prices down or a case of 2 bit schmucks raiding a JPC for pennies.
Either way,,,I'm have withdrawn my six figure bid at .12,,,,and will observe from the sidelines as the plot thickens.
And,,,If you think a BOD that has been targeted in writing for elimination are going to cooperate with the expeditious processing of their own termination,,,Think Again.
This is going to get nasty,,,but will make for good daily entertainment. I look forward to reading Y'alls comments along the way.
Gone Fishin,,,Your Pal,,,,EnergyInv