GREY:CHALF - Post by User
Comment by
jutah70on Apr 30, 2016 10:15am
Post# 24828663
RE:Conference call questions
RE:Conference call questionsRegarding the issue of expansion and needing money to do that. Has anybody on this board taken the time to realize we just did? And the fact we have not even reached the point of seeing 1 quarterly report accounting/documenting the impact of that expansion (Washington/BMF). You do realize that will take some time to unfold. You won't get 1 year down the road now. Depsite the instant gratification world we are in, some things will still take time.
As well, the other states are not yet at the point of entering. Does California still need to vote on some legislation. And they would not be legal for rec until some point in 2017. That gives GLH months to build up cash to either fund another expansion, or reduce the amount require to borrow/come to market for.
I understand everyone on here is sittting there with a railer ready to blow. But settle down. It is still their first year. The industry is still in its revolutionary phase. There is still the evolutionary stage to follow (long down the road). Maybe investor demands may need to align with more realistic expectations. To tell you the truth, a lot of you will be out of this story too early because of emotion and frustration.
I can't believe a lot of you have not seen the last couple of weeks as a joke. How can so much that was so good just all of a sudden shift to misery? And based on what? From the biggest potential revenue generation to insolvency? While the financials may not be all squeeky clean, meet the report with an objective frame of mind and not emotion.