SS - you're too much - proud aren't ya ?Hey SS ... now coming from a cherry picker like yourself - - ( prideful one ) floating about boards - and with an air and brag about himself - that hovers in a thick staunch - seems one has to rub their eyes from the heavy green haze - and no - i'm nottalking about cash - choke - choke - cough cough...
Listen SS - i stuck with pyd - and stayed long - in time they'll show the numbers - a lil tweak here and there - and hopefully the pieces will click and fit and ring true with results -
Shaming another with only a few stocks - is pretty low and slimy - rubbing anothers nose in their loss - is doubly slimy -
No - not obbsessed - just have a few stocks - whooo hoo - perhaps my loyalty will pay off - and maybe it won't - but it surely doesn't onstitute you - shaming another with their loss of monies -
Perhaps someday SS - you'll get caught in a trade - and you've sunk a ton in it - and what if it drops beyond the point of pulling out - perhaps someday you'll experience it - the difference between you and me - ??? I won't be there shaming you with your loss - and if you got stuck about a year - ??? Even still - i would'nt do what you do .
Lastly - SS....
If you don't like pyd - then don't post on pyd's board - gotta hand it to you - you just had to do your jab post the day of..... Q-4 - hmmm - poke - jab- retreat - and then repeat -
Sniff sniff - hachooo - sorry i have that nose thing going on again - something stinks - seems it only happens whern i converse with you ? wink !
Once again SS - for the slow of speed - I can't divest at a loss - and jump into your supposed winning picks - like what was the one pick - you were bragging about ? A foreclosed company ? lol - telling others they could make a few cents ? lol
Your da man - SS - the cherry man - certainly not a marachino -
Cheers !