RE:USDShare your selling price pain!!! So do many here. Lots of blame to go around on this one including the BNN so called analyst and houses pushing this up. But bottom line, things have bottomed (give or take couple cents) and it's pretty much a 5 to 1 reward to risk. Now for this quarter to be announced, they gave guidance that revenues were decent, EBITDA limited, thus profit loss likely. So bad quarter AGAIN. The good news, they picked up new investment and continue to look so growth back on the table... along with upward organic growth for next upcoming quarters. So base is in and its up up and away. Could see slight drop on quarter news unless management starts to grow up and provide A MEANINGFUL press release and conference guidance. Another lack luster CC and could test old $.19 ... but this investor believes Mngt has grown up and will provide more color on growth acquisitions for the year being further accretive as well as organic growth FINALLY taking hold. Once this good news take effect on rationale investors and traders, up we go. Don't be surprised to see year end exit approaching $.80 as both acquisitions and guidance take hold once again and profits start to take hold. 2017 move to the big board and 10 to 1 split bringing us to 34 million shares!!!! Definitely will be interesting but one more quarter release here to get through. Costs are in US as well as Rev's so actual impact on ops and financial instruments a lot less than one would expect. Definitely accumulation time but might have op to get some cheaper shares - or not. Going forward, they have cash, no debt outflows, reduced ops and operating costs and just starting to implement accretive-ness to all operations. Much more improved company than end of even 2015 so from here out a double is definitely in the cards except this play goes to extremes in each direction so as soon as it pops look out as we test new highs.