a value approach: ZAD, NX, SIE...Maybe not a nice hit today for PE, but this is about drilling and drilling... In the end, Clayton V. will continue to be THE lithium US producer for long, and this is fact. Trying to make some value approach / comparison at such an early stage for mentioned explorers like ZAD, NX, SIE., in the absence of any drilling short term, and away from the pumping. Until more data available, acreage and market cap, kings: 1) ZAD: 1915 acres - 13.9 mkt cap = 7308 $CAD/acre; - last sp=0.23; - sp prior to lithium deal = 0.005; - SP X fold = 46 times 2) NX: 5480 acres - 4.25 mio mkt cap = 776 $CAD/acre; - last sp=0.16; - sp prior to lithium deal = 0.04; - SP X fold = 4 times 3) SIE: 2000 acres ? (estimate: 20 blocks x mid 40-160 acre each=100, according to Inferred Resource Estimation of Clayton V, PE) - 4.49 mio mkt cap = 2246 $CAD/acre; - last sp=0.16; - sp prior to lithium deal = 0.07 ; - SP X fold = 2.3 times ...big gap here, ... do your own DD (sorry for format, couldnt copy/paste my Excel here..)