Voice communication Virtual TalkerTM Sustainable Advantages
Voice communication on Virtual TalkerTM is like normal conversation between multiple people in the same room. There is no interruption in the application in order to talk and listen. It is hands-free, full duplex voice communication.
One standard telephone line transmits all the voice and application data simultaneously. Virtual TalkerTM's client bandwidth requirements are not impacted as the number of users increases (unlike existing conference bridge technology). Since mixing occurs on the server, only one audio stream is routed back to the client.
Virtual TalkerTM is DirectX compatible, using DirectSound mixing capabilities to integrate speech from the server with application sounds.
Each user hears his opponents at a volume level based on his position related to them, enabling separate conversations within groups separated by distance.
The scalable architecture of Virtual TalkerTM's server provides a cost-effective means of meeting the needs of both small and large businesses.
Virtual TalkerTM does intelligent transfer of data to relevant users, only sending data that is meaningful to individual users.