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MEG Energy Corp T.MEG

Alternate Symbol(s):  MEGEF

MEG Energy Corp. is a Canada-based energy company focused on in-situ thermal oil production in the southern Athabasca oil region of Alberta, Canada. The Company is engaged in the development of enhanced oil recovery projects that utilize steam-assisted gravity drainage extraction methods to improve the economic recovery of oil. It transports and sells thermal oil (AWB) to customers throughout North America and internationally. The Company owns a 100% interest in over 410 square miles of mineral leases in the southern Athabasca oil region of Alberta, Canada and is primarily engaged in sustainable in situ thermal oil production at its Christina Lake Project. Christina Lake Project is a multi-phased project, located 150 kilometers south of Fort McMurray in northeast Alberta. It comprised of approximately 200 square kilometers of leases.

TSX:MEG - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by BullishBaytixon May 12, 2016 7:48am
Post# 24865064

RE:Inventory draw down and oil sands outage

RE:Inventory draw down and oil sands outage
BargainHunter88 wrote: Just wanted to clear a common misconception that is all over news. The crude inventory draw down we saw today probably had little to do with oil sands shut down due to the fire. The shut down happened on May 4th, just two days before the inventory stats. Therefore, we will not see the effect of Canadian supply disruption on inventory till next week. If my inventory projection were correct, we should continue to see big inventory draw down every week through the end of summer, or for the rest of the year. The only factor that could stop the rebalancing of the oil market would of course be a significant weakness in the world economy. 

I would agree with you. The shutdown barely moved oil, but the inventory report has pushed oil to new highs. 

Bullboard Posts