Switch to Avnel alreadyIntegra already did it's thing going from 30 cents to 70. Avnel Gold (AVK) is just about to. Why not move the money there and do it over again. Integra just diluted - Avnel shouldn't have to dilute. Over the next week or two, they'll hit the magic number of 20 days with a volume average over 30 cents bringing in $14 million of warrant money. This will bring the cash up to about $19 million. The DFS is done and the government permitting is issued now. Other than a few who have to buy the warrants who are selling (that's the buying opportunity), the ceiling will soon be gone and we'll be above 60 cents quickly. The vast majority of the warrants are owned by Elliott Management (Paul Singer's company) and they won't need to raise money for them nor will they be selling them. So the time is limited on this one.
I like Integra a lot - I'll be buying later. If your in it for a lovefest, fine - stay. But if you're in it to make money, move over to Avnel, double your money and buy Integra again. Integra will still be there. IMHO