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Intchains Group Ltd V.ICG

Primary Symbol: ICG

Intchains Group Ltd is a provider of integrated solutions consisting of computing application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chip products for blockchain applications and a corporate holder of cryptocurrencies based on Ether (ETH). The Company utilizes a fabless business model and specializes in the front-end and back-end of Integrated circuit (IC) design, the two components of the IC product development chain. The Company’s products include computing ASIC chip products consisting of ASIC chips, computing equipment incorporating ASIC chips, ancillary software and hardware, the products are mainly used in the blockchain industry. The Company had built a technology platform named Xihe. The Company has developed hardware models and several systems under the Xihe Platform, including a factory production test system, an after-sales data system, a computing server system and a batch management system.

NDAQ:ICG - Post by User

Comment by goldhunter11on May 19, 2016 11:28am
Post# 24888543


RE:M2First, welcome, greetings and congratulations for having a nice 137k share position at 0.24. That is almost a 3-bagger. Impressive and quite a bit of cash, at least on paper. So what kind of car you are going to buy?

Your English is pretty good. There are are few spelling errors, but sometimes you just don't have time to check.

If you are not sure about a spelling, just open a new window (assuming that you are using a regular computer, not those puny handsets) and type in the word on a Google Search, Google will give you, most of the time, the correct spelling. These days, posters just ignore their spelling (sometimes some people don't actually know how to spell, and they write like they talk).

For the sake of learning English, as a second language, it would be useful to have a good knowledge of grammar and spelling.  I would suggest that a habit of making sure that your sentence makes sense, and the spelling is correct is very important. This discipline is a good thing for an individual, for personal improvement. But, reading posts on open forum (or the stuff on the web, in general) is another matter. One would need to develop a speed reading skills for sreenning of what to read and what not to read. Also, there is a "ignore button" if you don't want to see posts from a certain poster.

Above all, always check the veracity of the information, including forum discussions which must include links to the original material for people to verify. As Reagan said (to Gorbachev): "Trust but verify" (, doveryay, no proveryay).
Cheers and good luck,

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