230 machine placementThis news release further proves how inefficient the PYD stock performs. Given how the machine count essentially will grow 9.5% with this contract, the stock at a minimum should have gone up .05. Instead, only 6500 stocks traded and the stock rose .02 (5%)
As others have stated and how Teflon keeps reminding shareholders, Q1 matters a lot and besides debt restructure good numbers will be needed to gap higher.IMHO
Although the company is making money from operations, the accounting loses are looked at negativiely and I hope our busiest quarter Q1 can show us positive EPS
Earnings on or before May 30!
BREAKING DOWN 'Inefficient Market'
The inefficient market hypothesis and its proponents contend that market forces sometimes drive asset prices above or below their true value. They find support for their argument from instances of market crashes or upward spikes, whose existence and magnitude are seemingly incompatible with an efficient market point of view.
Thus, in an inefficient market, some securities will be overpriced and others will be underpriced, which means some investors can make excess returns while others can lose more than warranted by their level of risk exposure. If the market were entirely efficient, these opportunities and threats would not exist for any reasonable length of time, since market prices would quickly move to match a security's true value as it changed. While financial markets appear reasonably efficient, events such as market-wide crashes and the dotcom bubble of the late '90s seem to reveal some sort of inefficiency within the markets.
Read more: Inefficient Market Definition | Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inefficientmarket.asp#ixzz49d4q5yIV
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