Thoughts on first quater/ Latest summaries of reserves...Number one glaringly obvious was all the fees charged over the bonds, penalties,etc.
Looked like we had almost broke even if the debt charges weren't there,and it alludes that the worst is behind us.
Never did I see them talk of a clever hedge program that should have been in place when you have bond coming due.
Also I was shocked at the timing of reporting of the first quater, as it might have been pertinent to the share offering(knowing the worst was behind us).
Never did I read anything on what assets are worth pipelines,derek platforms, infrastructure etc.
Summaries of reserves-- wondering why they picked one day before the close of the offering to report such pertinent information.
Last year they reported one month earlier, and this year clever not to assign any value to the reserves.
Last reporting timing they figured the resources to be 390 000 000 value at the end of Dec 31, 2015.
What I have discovered is maybe the fox is guarding the hen house. DB