I know IMO is kicking some tires looking for a barnyard findbut are they kicking MEG's tires?
I think for the right price IMO would be interested in MEG's low cost and long life oil sands operations and future growth properties as well and even with the current debt.
the access pipeline is a great asset that compliments Christina lake and surmont properties, so IMO would want the whole pie, not just the oil producing assets.
The more and more you read about future oil prices the more and more it makes sense to buy high quality low cost sagd operations like Christina lake and wait for better days.
there has been such a large capital cut backs in 2016 and 2017 that even if companies wanted to increase produciton next year it's not going to be easy.
Suncor is well positioned to take advantage of rising oil produciton as commodity prices start to recover back to more sustainable levels, which are 65-75 range.
MEG will be able to also increase produciton in smaller lots of 1000-3000 with smaller capex investments but still slowly grow produciton as price start to recover.
the only question I'm asking right now before I buy MEG?
what will cause the SP to go down and how likley is that?
p.s. I did add to my long position today