What is Valeant doing that CXR is not? Ok, I have been folowing both for a long time. What is Valeant doing that CXR is not????
Valeant manages to keep in the news no matter what. Good or bad news. CXR sits back
the majority of the time and is silent. Is silence golden? Well, I say not. Silence seems to leave them forgotten.
It seems to work the same in Hollywood, politics and so on. Keep in the news no matter what and you are not forgotten. Valeant just seems to keep crawling back up. CXR is treading water because it is silence. If you don't speak you won't get picked up by the speed boat going by. Valeant gets picked up. Time for management to keep everyone informed no matter how little the news it. That is the secret. Getting frustrated with CXR as this is a great company but they are not keeping in the news and we are getting forgotten.