RE:RE:Taking come profits here at $38+DrStockHouse wrote: PROtrading.... I wanna sell 30% of my position with a nice profit of 3.3K $cad.... What your prediction of today high can we break 39$cad wall?
Predictions! You think that because these bullboards are circus shows I'm a FREAKING MAGICIAN??? :-) Nope.
Charts told me it ran up and I sold half my position at $38
I can't predict the health stocks that's why short term, my money is elsewhere. Jus tdaytrading these mostly because of the yummy volatility. Buyout speculations don't last long. You have the herd rushing for it then they all look around going "duhhh, now what?" then WHAMMO, the wolves attack.
But sometimes the wolves are the herd.
So here, I'm taking profit and holding on to core and looking at the charts for yummy volatility!
Check the charts on what do to short term and don't take these clown shows (bullboards) too seriously. Never, ever ask for predictions, wolves are the first to perk up, it sounds like "beeeaaaaaa, beaaaaaa" to them!! ;-) LOL