RE:The word on bay re Crh peter75 wrote: there is a strong rumour according to a reliable source in the brokerage industry(not my broker) that Crh is in the throws of a large purchase on the west coast
He went so far as to say " they could be part of a three way deal that would see Crh merge with knight ,Gud and be sold at over 8.00 per share
Dont sell your house ,it could just be noise
btw the source is batting about seventy percent and has no skin with me as we are just former school mates
We shall see
This may be just rumor or it may in negotiations, but I do not doubt CRH's ability to pull off a deal of this magnitude because they have done it once already.
A second takeover with the same players and same structure is a definite possibility, if not now then sometime in the future. In fact for the right deal expect it to happen.