quakes99 wrote: The ironic thing for me, Giga, is that I DON't WANT TO POST ON THIS BULLBOARD SO OFTEN. If it were a discussion group then I'd be THRILLED to only post once or twice a day, or just the news items relevant to the group's investments, or not at all if there's nothing that anyone wants to talk about. I have lots of other activities to fill my time.
if it weren't for all the lies and misinformation being posted on here then I would do more reading and research... but, like you, when I see so much bashing of the company, its world-class deposit, award winning management, and the future potential of PLS... as a shareholder I get angry at the false data being trotted out as fact. Hence, I am driven to respond and provide the factual information and links to authentic sources.
This board could be the best forum on Stockhouse if we used its potential to have meaningful discussion and took the opportunities to learn from each other. Bring it on! That's what it used to be like on here until the current stream of never-ending bashing came along.
What better way to understand our investment and its potential to make us a profit than to explore the many facets of PLS to decide whether or not to buy, sell or hold for the eventual takeout payday?
Maybe we'll get back there one day if enough interested lurkers start joining in on the discussion, asking great questions, and actually engaging in civil and respectful posting. In the meantime, I shall keep exposing the lies as best I can.
Wishing you luck and a great weekend!
Gigantapithic wrote: Or reciprocally, if you take out all the bashing posts and remove the posts that call them out with factual market information there really isn't that much activity on this board.
Ideally the board would be active with positive discussion about quality information relevant to the industry and company, ironically exactly what you guys call "pumping". Which really isn't pumping when it's relevant to shareholder interests. Shareholders are usually investors that have a positive outlook. Although market and company specifics can and do often change the outlook of investors.
What the bashers post isn't really constructive of education or discussion. It's just name calling and complaints. I've posted many times that it's hypocritical of shareholder actions. If one was a disgruntled shareholder they'd be better off keeping quiet and waiting for a recovery to exit as soon as possible. Publically denouncing the management, company and assets is counterproductive to even the most disgruntled shareholders actions.
Hence my continuing to point out the obvious whenever the trolls post their bashing rhetoric. It's easy to see the hypocrisy.
ILUVDIVIDENDS wrote: If you take away all the quackian pumper postings (Quakes, Rover etc. etc.), and remove the postings that call them out, then there really isn't that much activity on this board.