CORRECTION to POST and ADDITION - AVOID/SELLCorrection to my post:
where I state why would one want to provide - replace with why would one want to BUY.
As respects to trading and support, we suspect the trading over time and based on watching over time. There appears to be a lot of back and forth seeking to generate volume and paint a ???picture.
As you know, there are may ways traders can hide or genrate a false picture and they can hide behind jitney trades, use of EMD's, use of trading vehicles to hide.
So ask yourself after you review EPL and EPL's largest share holder FNR - V - financials - why would one want to buy EPL??? If you like land and hype and more land then buy EPL - if you want a sound and known risk then look at producers.
You might find there maybe a person close to EPL that has been posting. Leave up to you to find that poster.
All in my humble opinion and based on public comments by EPL, share holders, traders and etc.