giggleratass pumped PEM.h xme, sfm into the ground!!!a fellow poster that cant stand and put gigleatass over on other boards in his pace Gsph11 Your right about the failed invester giggeleratas Gsph11 Your right about the failed invester giggeleratas he is a little man and a cord that hides behind a computer he has multiple aliases and bashes all stocks ignore him he knows he is a loser!!! Gsph11 you speak the truth about him no one likes the coward!! keep putting him in his place is how I fix him!!! the novice investor he comes around bashing stocks while he pumped Pem.h into the ground xme sfm and a number more if you want a good laugh and see how other posters have no respect for him and correct gileraggests come over to the DEC,v board Ha ha ha!! Read Read more at