Sweet Spot---Craigbad and gang are hereI know Iam spending my money in the right place when Craigbad shows up. He is always on the troll to get cheap shares while something is being shorted or the shorts need to cover. This Jackaaz has been on a several other boards for stocks I own. Always the same sheet! Don't forget that he, WillyWally FTD etc are paid bashers/confusers that post every 5 minutes rather than doing what true investors do, research, fundementals, DD.
DO NOT SELL YOUR SHARES TO THESE BUMS! As for Roller, he is gone as stated 2 days ago. Said he would not come back until the BO is announced.
I will do the same!
I hope they burn,the unsrupulous bastirds.
PATIENCE. IT WILL HAPPEN! If not I hope you are accumulating. CXR is a great 1 year hold at bargin prices.