Nortel Syndrome
A lot of "investors" in VRX have Nortel Syndrome: This is where you believe something that was once great can be great again and they dogmatically defend this assertion even in the face of
overwhelming information to the contrary. History is against such miraculous comebacks - yet
"investors" / Gamblers always want to believe in the posibility of a Hail Mary.
People buying VRX are gambling on a Company, hoping for a resurection, despite all the evidence
pointing to complete meltdown -up to its eyeballs Government scrutiny - up to the eyeballs in debt - has mistated financials - played unethical games and is simply a big roll-up scheme where it has leveraged everything for growth and failed - continued negative earnings on purchases and now needing to service higher and higher debt and more expensive debt.
Sometimes when the mighty fall - their dead - and you need to bury them.