Gigantapithic wrote: hmmm, not too busy of a weekend here.
Went to his first page, some ESO/AMW, FCU and NXE posts. Although the ESO posts are really links to the AMW page (you know how stockhouse does that).
One of his first posts was actually against BNN talking about PLS but not mentioning AMW
So, was his profile account originally working for the Ainsworths? Yeah, unlikely....
Also here he is discussing thinking pulling the trigger on some NXE
That's over 3 years ago.
And here's one talking about the success they might have
Oh, and look, here's quakes posting that he's been buying at $0.25... July 8, 2013. Pretty much long before the bashers showed up and much before many of our other FCU bullboard friends like pamps trader et al. starting pumping NXE at any chance.
So, was quakes working for NXE at that time too?
Anyway, that's it for me this weekend. Back you your regular scheduled programming and we'll continue the bashfest. Hope the markets rebound tomorrow or hold up and we can retain some momentum. Or news comes out, but other than the to-be-started drill program I can't imagine any news coming out.
losecash wrote: Stop telling lies never posted on the eso board. Clown