Friendly or hostile takeover?if we get a takeover offer and I say if not when, will it be hostile or friendly.
considering the large % of shares with institutions and or other oil companies like CNOOC, I would think it will need to be friendly to the big shareshodlers and they will determine the takeover price, be it 9,10,12,15, what ever.
I also think SU will get a good deal because they can ramp up more produciton with smaller amounts of capital and maintain produciton with small amounts of captial.
so if SU or any other company has a positive view on future oil prices and we know SU does indeed have a positive view, then buying MEG at 9 or 12, or 15 is still a good deal, but we also know SU will play hard to get the best price possible.
I'm still thinking 12 -13 is the magic number, well for me at least.