RE:Call me stupid....I am not a naysayer ace. I have all of those others on ignore. I have been a member of stockhouse since 2008 and an equity investor since around 2000. I believe that most U stocks will profit immensely in the coming years. But my point has always been that this one, which is among my smaller holdings, is way overshot. Its a great story and I do own some, just under 10k shares. But there will be a retraction similar to what happened to Fission, unless there is more game changing news, and hopefully there will be. I wish nothing but good luck to the longs, but a few on here professing to be just that, I simply do not believe.
ACESover wrote: .....but I have been around this game for more than 40 years and I give a lot more credibility to Malcom than all the naysayers including Thiggins, BC "silver", traderdad and the likes who seem to have limitless posts trashing NXE as overpriced and ahead of itself "it will be a buy around $1.50" and simply ignore the news releases that state "off scale" radioactivity time and time again. IMO there is a lot of sour grape postings and whoops I should have bought at .60, $1.50. $2.20 and now $2.57. I attribute the latest weakness more to the general markets and over pumped Brexit fears, just like when Yellen squeaks a 1/4 point hike to the next quarter and the next quarter and the next quarter and the market shites its pants and after a few days of selling off realizes it ain't happening. As they say the proof is in the pudding and this pudding is real sweet.