Yesterday Facebook predicted the end of the written word.  That is to say, the platform is trending towards an all-video future.  While we've seen signs for a while now that video seems to be increasingly visible in the Facebook newsfeed, we've now heard it predicted directly from a Facebook Insider.

Nichola Mendelsohn, head of Facebook's operations in Europe, Middle East, and Africa, said that in 5 years Facebook, "will be definitely mobile, it will be probably all video."  With current video trends on Facebook screaming the same, it seems inevitable that video will be the marketing medium of choice in a few short years.  

The question now is, what does this mean for entrepreneurs?

1.  More Video Means More Spontaneous Marketing

With the popularity of Periscope, Snapchat and Facebook Live, we can be sure that more video also means shorter and less-formal video.  Brands will be expected to regularly interact with the audience and demonstrate proof of their brand's mission, rather than make one video on the home page and call it a day.

We see this in action already from Neil Patel, founder of QuickSprout, who has recently been seeing great success with live Q&As.  With nothing but an iPhone camera and no pre-planned content he is garnering significant social love and 10k video views per session.

2.  The Face Of The Brand Will Be More Important Than Ever

With spontaneous content becoming more important, what naturally occurs is the face of the brand is brought to the attention with increasing frequency.  No longer can founders and marketers hide behind a blog post, rather they will have to speak to their company and product/services on the fly.

People that regularly appear brand videos will naturally start to represent the company and develop strong relationships with customers.  This relationship and exposure can be a great asset to a company, or be very damaging if used incorrectly.

3.  The Story Needs To Be Quick And To The Point

Video is able to communicate an idea much more quickly than text.  This gives an entrepreneur the opportunity to get a lot of information across quickly.  However, in a future newsfeed of all video, competition will be fierce.    

In a sea of video content, only the succinct and interesting will succeed.  Entrepreneurs will need to keep their messages tight, interesting, and to the point.

4.  The Most Creative Entrepreneurs Will Have An Increasing Edge

With more stories being told and more brands connecting with customers, the creative entrepreneurs will have a better opportunity than ever to rise to the top.  Rather than looking for the cheapest product or items on sale, people will buy from brands (and people) they know and trust.

Videos also have an incredible opportunity to go viral and captivate audiences.  Take for instance the Squatty Potty.  This is a product that no one really wants to talk about, until the right video was made.  Then it was a privilege to share the Squatty Potty on the news feed.

5.  Repackaging and Repurposing Will Become The Norm

Video is compelling for entrepreneurs because it can live on and on.  Facebook won't be the only platform trending towards video, so using snippets or making new video content with existing video content will be essential.  Video content you make can continue to live in many different forms, and the best entrepreneurs will make every quality minute of video content work for them as much as possible.

While this may be the first time a Facebook insider has predicted an all-video feed, for many entrepreneurs this comes as no surprise.  Videos already are proving to be a powerful marketing tool, with entrepreneurs (on and off Facebook) already finding ways to better connect with an audience and drive results.  If your company hasn't embraced video already, it's time to start.