VOLKSWAGEN & QUANTUMSCAPEJust a follow up with the post I made in regards to Volkswagen and Quantumscape. It has been very hush hush with VW and Quantumscape from the beginning. VW was to announce last July whether they were going ahead with Quantumscape after buying into the company. They did not announce their decision and have been mum since as has Quantumscape. IF Quantumscape has the technology perfected that it is working on, using solid state instead of a liquid electrolyte in lithium batteries making it safer and 3 times the stamina, it will be a real game changer and IF EGT is part of this, it will be the push that takes the little train that could over the hill. A 'QUANTUM LEAP'. A lot of big IFS but that is what speculation is all about and adds a little excitement to it. In regards to Mercedes, it would appear that Daimler (Mercedes) has already partnered with other companies for low and high voltage inverters. There are not that many major German car manufacturers. ...................... This is the link that explains the technology of Quantumscape and gives the explanation of what it is about and the apparent secrecy involved. ........................................ ........................................ GLTA