The news not shared
Good Morning,
Further to my last posting, why the slam in gold and where are we going? Allow me to reiterate the slam was a simple example of the thrashing of a dying giant. The FED. Gold is and has been its greatest nemesis. The constant and historical structure of real and tangible money. Not the fabricated paper/digit wizard world which we all have evolved by their control, in recent times.
What does this have to do with ABI ?.....everything!!!
The essence of this stock is precious metals...and zinc as a side asset. The and silver was and will be more valuable into the future. The other key? Can it be actually mined in a safe location and sold into a real market?.Yes. ( I may have lost a few here. Think the African and other global locations where at any moment government change and or just lawless lands where the future is always an unknown) and will remain one the best of the best locations to have any mining operation.
Now....what do the shareholders of ABI have today? Gold mines, silver/zinc mines, unknown opportunities and future finds which have always look very achievable. The ability to mine mill and sell these mined ore assets. The real point of no dedt!!!!!! In my opinion.
The real point of my shared point today....BUT WHO knows this???? Hence the "shares" are not seen or "wanted"! I mentioned where is the venue that opens this book/story to future buyers/shareholders?
What is the value of your shares when the day comes....THEY....want a "share" of this GEM? .50 .80 cents more?
I will share a personal insight. We own a magnificent small ship, being engineered by a very crafty ruthless engineer which is unfortunately not a great navigator . The ship is full of wealth and we need a New captain to take us to Allow the old engineer to do what he does best.
Hay, thanks...yes, I have traveled and experienced more than most. This stock has always been and remains an enigma to me. The sum of the parts far exceed the price to buy....but a wise man also knows a book ............regardless how magnificent the "printed" words ...that is not opened is worthless. But this is a fine story...whiuch has been fun to watchja nd to say...stay sharp on the big side "Story" of the world...
I think ...we are all in for a real wild many sheep not enough pasture so to say....historically things happened to control these past similar situations....