Pan American`s June 21-22, 2016 Corp PresentationPg 4 is a listing (and location) of Pan American Silver`s projects. They include this map on every Corporate Presentation they issue.
This latest version is interesting. They now list (Kootenay`s) La Negra in slot number 3. Previously, slot 3 was occupied by Pan American`s La Virginia project. However, this June 21-22 version not only now includes La Negra, but it also now exludes La Virginia. All other 12 Pan American properties on the report are the same as earlier versions.
I don`t see any explanations as to what happened to La Virginia property. I don`t see a news release of it being sold to anyone.
As mentioned in my previous posts on this subject matter, I view La Virginia as an exceptional exploration project, with bonanza grades (both silver and gold) - 34,000 hectares land package.
I guess one could speculative as to why Pan American removed it from its Operations/Projects report, but we will have to wait a bit longer to find out which 2 properties we got from Pan Amercian (to see if La Virginia was offered and accepted).
I linked Pan American`s June 21-22, 2016 version (below), which is the version that no longer includes La Virginia Project. I also linked the May 11, 2016 version, which included La Virginia. The map (with property listings) is found on pg 4 on one report and pg 3 on the other. One should note that the files are quite heavy, with one being 28 pages long and the other being 21.
Also of note, Pan American issued an analyst presentation on May 31, 2016. I didn`t include a link to that report, as it is huge - 157 pages. However, they had also replaced La Virginia with La Negra - even back then, May 31, 2016.
Pan American`s June 21-22, 2016 Corp Presentation: Pan Amercian`s May 11, 2016 Corp Presentation: