RE:RE:CB Gold James West: Ian, thanks for joining us today.
Ian Slater: Thank you, James, great to talk to you again.
James West: Ian, I guess congratulations is probably premature on your takeover bid for CB Gold in competition with Batero. Where do we stand on that whole transaction at this point?
Ian Slater: Well, an official share register, Red Eagle owns 49 percent of CBJ and Batero, together with Navarro Grau’s private companies, own 22 percent, and the both bids – they extended their bid a couple of times, so it expires on Monday, and we extended ours so they expire at the same time.
James West: Mm hmm. Okay. So you control, no ifs, ands or buts, 40 percent, Batero has, sorry, did you say 22 percent?
Ian Slater: That’s right.
James West: And now they’ve stated in press releases that they have, what is it, a total of 21 percent of shares tendered in addition to their 22 percent? Is that accurate?
Ian Slater: Yeah, that’s what their press releases say.
James West: Okay. And so what has to happen for either party to be successful?
Ian Slater: Well I think, clearly we’re going to have over 50 percent by the time this is over, so we’ll be in the driver’s seat. We’ve requisitioned a shareholder meeting to replace CB’s board of directors. So I think there’s – so either we’ll go that route, where we’ll take control of the company that way and then do a plan of arrangement merger with Red Eagle, and the existing CB shareholders will end up being Red Eagle shareholders, or there’s still a possibility of coming to an agreement with the Navarro Ground family also, where they buy our shares or we buy their shares, or we develop Vetas together.
James West: Okay. So it’s very much still to be determined, as it were.
Ian Slater: Yeah. I think what’s important is that we’re in the driver’s seat, so it really depends on what we want to do.