Insider Activity and PrognosisIn March Brad Siim sells close to 100,000 shares @ $2.95, in March he sells another 50,000 around $2.85. The share price is now $2.63 and sinking. So assume that there is a small jump in price, we can expect him to dump more shares should it ever get to $2.75. Bottom line is that the prognosis is not good for this stock.
No insider sales reports as we head into this quarter, but given the share price activity the past week it's most likely going to be headed south sub-$2.50.
It's clear that there is little hope for this company breaking out, and no deep pocketed company looking to buy it out for a reasonable multiple. I hope we are proven wrong but it's pretty much time to throw in the towel for good on this supposed Waterloo 'success' story.