will 6.35 hold today or will she go LOWER???actually if I had to guess and I will becasue we are just guessing with these daily moves, I would guess we are heading towards 6, but maybe not udner 6 unless oil heads back down under 45 and maybe even under 40 if things get a little nasty.
the main problem now with world economies is that central banks don't have any more ammo, rates are very low so they wold need to buy bonds and give out free money to get their ecvonomies moving again.
so as far as oil is concerned, I still beleive we are in recocvery mode, but it will take much much logner to recover than anyone had expected.
hopefully oil will hold above 45 or even 43 and then improve from there is we get some help with cvetral banks.
canada is doing it's part on the fiscal side spending lots of taxpayers money on various projects and redistribution of tax monies.
oh well I will buy if MEG gets close to 6, I'm short JUly 7 and august calls and as soon as july expires there will be new september options coming on.
GLTA even noideaman