We are losing ground for non shorter Is a factThe fact is that we are losing ground for non shorters. There must be some responsibility taken by the ceo for the in effective strategies that have not propelled the stock up.
Great influence and great leader can do things no matter what market condition. If you take the index of the market is relatively flat but CXr year over year has lost so much in value. Some people will point that they bought it at the lowest point but they are just fooling themselves. The train is falling so what is the results from this special strategic committee that CXr claims to have form and spent?
Do do you want the stock to go up? If you do rate this post good and let's send a message, you guys in CXr suck! Do something! Announce a new pill on Wednesday. Screw the Friday announcement as the strongest day are Wednesday unless there is a holiday on Monday than it shift to Thursday!