So, looks like the "frustrate the s.h.i.t. out of them" plan is working pretty good.  I can tell you that these people are really good at  it.  "Death by a Thousand Cuts" as they say it. Okay, so let me put out the medication for all you jilted ones.

TGZ was made to look like a laggard again today. But it was inside the trading action that subtle hints were given that this was not what it seemed to be. It was programmed, algo based, creating false volume. "Anoymous" and "Morgan" . 2 sides of the same coin ??. All day long. You bet !! 100 shares back and forth, thousands of times, and you get multi-million volume.

But who were the other sellers ??. Did not see any big dumps, other than Merill to Merill. Hmmmm.....

Why only TGZ. I mean there are so many others that have raised capital recently and diluted but why TGZ ??. Wrong question. The right question is: "Why TGZ  is being held down, compared to the others ??. Who wants to shake the weak hands??. Who is inflicting max pain to the longs who now are faced with doubt and a sense of disgust ??.  Do they feel throwing up yet??

It is just amazing how emotions can be manipulated for a desired outcome. They are trying their best and they won't give up. They will turn up the heat and the pain will get intense and unbearable. But they will lose to the ones left standing. And then they will have to take them for a ride to the top along with them.

Always has been, always will.