RE:RE:RE:RE:Rollback after the MTB Placement ClosesYou are probably correct. I suspect they will get a few holes drilled before the consolidation. At $100 / meter a drilling buget of $50,000 will buy a couple of decent holes. And if the drilling is at Red Cliff, MTB will need to cover their share of costs. But with Ed on site, at the day rate he charges for "geological services" , DEC will be back into the
red in no time flat.
fourbarrels wrote: AlternativeView wrote: Short term liabilities as of March 31 were $1,093,447, mostly payable to you know who.
Less $585,514.40 shares for debt
Less $600,000 share issuance
Subtotal aprrox $92,067 cash on hand, working form March 31 numbers.
Less listing fees, overhead and salaries for April, May, June
Less costs of recent sampling programs at Red Cliff / Bow
So the remaining cash should just about cover legal costs for the share consolidation.
Really what you're saying is you should have been buying at $0.04 but instead you sold and now you're bitter and trying to spread fear.
If anyone has any concern of a rollback they should call the company to discuss.
The recent PP funds will be used for drilling.