Future value of Integra shares ? If Integra can ultimately prove up 6 million ounces of gold at $1,762.00 CDN that would be worth ?
One million ounces @ $1,762.00 CDN = $10,566,000,000 Billion CDN $$$$ ?
(Six million ounces) 6 X $10,566,000,000B = $63,396,000,000 Billion $$$$ CDN ?
Could someone check the math.
With everything in place and the market paying $300 $$ CDN for in the ground gold that would be worth$1,800,000,000 Billion CDN !
If Integra were left alone with 6 million oz and producing 250,000 to 300,00 oz a year what would Integra be worth then ?
$2.00,,, $2.50,,, $3,00 a share ?
I do know it would be more then a $2.00 !