Dec is ok and will be fineFolks I own this stock and it will be fine. I have a # of gold plays but the 1 I think has the greatest upside now is IVS. do your research but make it fast. Rob Mcewen and Eric sport own a huge chunk of it so its backed by the best in industry and it will fly. I know it's always fun to buy a stock at penny
ies and this one may be too rich at .30 cents but the big boys are in at this price and higher and it's going to move big time. It is the most interesting story in Canada similar to nvo in Australia which is over a buck and backed by less. This is the one so consider this a gift. I know it's dec board and I've had dec shares for a while not looking to sell any gold stocks now but dec has less horsepower behind it. It will be fine so glta. Get in on Ivs and thank me in a month.