One Step At THE TIMEWe have the 100 about to take to the skies July 15th- flying commercialy and now with the certification for the 300 -delivery more likely the end of the 4th quarter
Bombardier is studying what the demand will be for these two models and -with modifications still being done on the 100 and 300 models -making it even better-i forsee the 500 coming into production possibly in over a year from now -
Strong concentration is ,also, going on the globals and i see good news coming out of there
-remember the deal that Bombardier struck earlier -if things go very well -they can buy back a percentage -
I still do not see the family giving up control -especially now in how far we have come-
there will be other concessions-
anyway-the balance sheet will improve as most of the costs are done-and as deliveries are made that is when most airliners pay-
so let's fly with the Bomber-and reach for the skies
Go Bomber Go