RE:Time To Rip The Band-Aid Off...?It may be constructive to cease the strategic review and put out a press release regarding such, but I think the market is too focused on considering the strategic review process as binary, where Concordia either gets taken private or stays the course as the status quo. There are plenty of other strategic considerations to be made by the company in lieu of a complete sale, both financially and operationally, and that can take time. I went through the strategic review process with Wi-lan, which took better than six months to complete, and plenty came of it, despite no sale. I know you mentioned in your post that other strategic moves can still be implemented after the disbanding of the committee, but I also don't reckon that the committee is a liability in the interim, and if Concordia did elect to put out a press release stating such a disbandment, only to then make a strategic move soon thereafter, I can't imagine the market digesting that well. Let's let the entirety of the process unfold as it may!