Update First Berlin / target price: 0.98 CAD(google translater)
Sirona Biochem share : Q2 results in line - confirms buy vote ! stock analysis https://www.aktiencheck.de/exklusiv/Artikel-First_Berlin_Sirona_Biochem_Aktie_Q2_Ergebnisse_line_Kaufvotum_bestaetigt_Aktienanalyse-7306235 Berlin (www.aktiencheck.de) - Sirona Biochem share analysis of equity analyst Ellis Acklin of First Berlin:
Ellis Acklin, equity analyst at First Berlin, advises in a recent equity research continue to buy the stock Sirona Biochem Corp. (ISIN: CA82967M1005, WKN: A0RM6R, ticker symbol: ZSB, NASDAQ OTC ticker symbol: SRBCF).
Sirona've Q2 / 2016 results for the period until 30 April published (GJE: October 31). The figures were in line with analysts' estimates. The sales of CAD 0.4 million in Q2 have resulted from the Wanbang milestone payment, and the company had posted a net loss of CAD 0.4 million; Both results were agreed with the analysts' forecasts. It is important that the company appears thanks to a signed in May capital increase amounting to CAD 0.8 million adequately funded, while continuing to work out a deal for its skin lightening treatment TFC 1067th
Ellis Acklin, equity analyst at First Berlin maintains its "buy" recommendation for the Sirona Biochem's stock and his target price of CAD 0.98 in. (Analysis of 15.07.2016)