Let Us Put This To Rest.There are 2 ways to if a company is worth your hard earned money. Fundamentals (judging a stock based on actual company business like revenues,profit,loss and future expectations) and Technicals (chart patterns which include moving averages,resistance,support etc. and price action which includes volatility, breakouts,breakdowns etc)
This is a basic look at what I consider the only way to decide if you are going to buy or sell. Of course News, earnings, promotional pumps play a big part also.
Now...Go to yahoo.com/finance and enter US oil sands in the ticker symbol box. Make sure you get the right company. It'll be the one that is at 2 cents or lower. Now..on the left side you will see Quotes/Charts/News/Company/Anaysts and Balance Sheet. You see...companies on the Venture exchange do not have strict reporting parameters.
Now go to Financials and click on income statement,balance sheet and cash flow.. See any numbers? Me neither.Hmmm Check out some companies on the Nasdaq and Nyse. See numbers in there? Yup..me too.
Go back up to charts and click on historical quotes. Go all the way back to 2012. See the nice downtrend with a couple of insignificant (cough cough) spikes? Not even a well planned promotional pump couldn't budge this stock significantly. The volume for 4 years is also insignificant. Do you see any sec filings? Do the insiders want to show you how many shares they own and if they are buying or selling. Not a chance. See any analyst coverage? Me neither.
You can go to sedar.com and get some documentation on this company but save your money and time. It is not worth it because finacials and earnings(there aren't any) are dismal.
These 2 clowns don't dare bring up any of this extremely important info but rather give you hope and faith as if they want you to get on your knees and pray for a miracle. Even that won't happen because patents have a way of expiring and this company doesn't have a leg to stand on.
I could go on but I feel that if you don't get it by now..you will never get it unless you recognize scammers like aweigh/afterburner. Atleast look at basic fundamentals and technicals so you can recognize the "pumpers and the dumpers". You see...the p0s will distract you with mindless banter but will |Never| give you anything of value so you can make a positive decision on wehter to buy or sell. I hope this helped the Noobs.