Comparables - yip ! It's a good one !Good morning ! (shareholdersl)
Some will be able to compare -while others won't see the comparable.
I see a definite comparable.
Ask yourselves these few questions -
Are both comanies in gaming ?
Are both companies into slots ?
Do both companies have contracts or partnered agreements based on floor space within establishemnts whethere casino - taverns or restaurants - and are such revenues split or shared or divied as per revenue take ?
If each company being compared - are dealing with several establishents - and are not owned
is this not considered a route ? As for territorial rights - are not floor up froont paid lease space
a form of teritorial rights ?
I think those are great questions that give great comparables... Just my own opinion.
I feel you are skewing the facts with your unfounded reasoning that dismisses such truths that clearly provide the best - to date - exanple that compares two companies that are in the same gaming business - operating slot machines -
I also feel - that with such an example given - Golden's purchase of - 1000 route slot machins @ $20,000,000.00 million is a superb example of what can be commanded for such slot gaming route businesses.
I feel that another dismissing this comparable - of only speaking of Integrity 1600 slots and bingo sales - but cleverly dismisses Tonkawa 600 machines and Lucky's 100+ machine aside of PDS's grabing a few from the original numvbering and as well
Someone seems to have dismissed the soon to be - 230 slot machine coontract - going into effect this September - is rather keen on your part to justify your failed attempt to arrive at a proper valuation. A massagonist of words that you are.
If another was fair and just - and put your best effort forth -you would have included all the other contracts pyd has acquired or since gained from the time frame of Integrity's take over- and going forward.
I also feel - that whether slots are placed in convenience stores or taverns - bars and or like pyd has - quality casino placements - yes.. all are all great placements to have. Furthermore - I did notice another's twist of words stipulating that that have a sense of - lessor value applied to Native casinos and comparing to territorial rights elsewhere ? Did i read wrong ?
Now, if a company purchases floor lease space - please do explain away - how this is not similar to territorial right with in a casino? lol Are not the floor lease spaces prime realestate - with in a casino - each having their importance based on location with in the casino?
Secondly - Anoother should refresh their mind with the documented stats of just how much Native casinos take in - in revenies across America - and what's that $$$$$ dollar value again based upon the over all gaming industry - there;s a good comparable too.
My two cents ? Explain that one to God when you go off on your rant and dance - stomping your feet - that you feel there's a failed formual - its called smart business - the American Dream. That simple.
I hope another did take notice that i was extremely fair in my make shift valuation - i did include pyd';s debts and all their long term contracts - yes, there's a value in long term contracts - its called assurance and stabillty to a degree based on trending markets - and i also took into consideration of what pyd is woth in asset ownership value - now if you were sharp as a crafty accountant and with pencil in hand - you would have noticed that i didn't even include what pyd takes in in residual revenues per each quarter or fiscal year.... And not to mention in a currency that's far higher than our CDN denomination.
Yes... look back to my post and you'll see i did not include this very important dollar value - and multiple contracts over hw manyyears ? Now we all know there are many ways to valuate a company - there's many formulas out there as there are - those who are mad at the world. Pardon the pun.
And if there are many formulas and many people with different thoughts on valuations - we musn't forget that there is alsonot only a value based on profit or assets or future value in what the company can be projected to gain or cquire but as well another factor that can affect a stock bassed on likabilty - hey... who dooesn't like gaimg ? It's fun !
Such an investor wild card (liability love the company stoc or sector ) can influence a stock higher than what its worth -and to be fair - hateabilty of a stock - to value a company lessor that its worth.
I feel there's an extreme resentment on anothers part - that their ability to dismiss such two companies are not comparable - when in all actuality - they're in the same form of business - this is not apples to oranges - this is apples to apples. But, to ech their own, and if you can't see this, then perhaps your allowing feeling to obscure your sense of comparable?.
Sometimes in life - when things are not what we wish - some will blame God -
The corrective to this blame conumdrum - is to stop and think it out - there are always two options - our way and God's fixed formula way -
A rightous truth seeker - won't fight this fixed formula - instead they'll first equire and sup with God - and with deliberation ask for truth and meaning - then with real God direction - not self direction where emotional attachemnt compels nefor self reasons -
With a God truth - one then submits and realigns to the truth of the matter, allows for a fair and just answer - not a justification. Facts, fairly assessed - can arrive at this answer. But it first begins with trueth and all facts.
Which is either determined by - man willed for his own reasons or or God ordained for al lthe truth reasons - a far fairer system. But, to each their own - walk in life.
By the way Tephlon - your a great writer - i really do mean this - I'm sure your a good guy too - but when it comes to stocks - its what you write that needs correction. What motivates another to bash, or dismiss a company's value or comparables -carries with it - persnal attachemnts - otherwise there would be no counter opinion. There's lots of money in this wrld and lots of business for everyone...
I like .65 cents and in the -70's eve nmore and beyond. Yip i do ! That spread definitely shows the two opinions being ironed out on this board - a resistence and also a value...
We finally have a comparble .... !
At least i think so -
Please do your own DD - and invest based on your own opinions.
Yippie !
Wango ~