Who cares its all speculationIts funny to see day after day everyone spitting out there two cents on this stock ,its all speculation people ,if it goes up it goes up if itgoes down it goes down ,just decide when your in or out thats all that matters ,no one here knows what this stock will do ,this is pure and simple gambling,,red or black folks ,just try to bet on the correct color ,dont listen to someone else ,its not there hard earned cash there playing with its yours ,if you want my 2 cents worth ,find yourself 10 different penny stocks ,put equal shares in them all ,9 will flop but 1 will go big ,thats more than enough to recoup all you investment capital and a nice wad of cash left over ,its a numbers and percentage game think of it that way , never put all your eggs in one basket and you will do just fine ,how do you think the banks do it ??? A monkey throwing darts at a board randomly can pick as many winners as you can ,its a random thing and its proven dont belive me ? Pick 10 stocks write them down on paper and pretend you own them ,and see where things are at 6 months and 12 months from the day you pic them ,my point will be proven i phones even have an app that alowes you to play this