RE:RE:RE:RE:Best Advice from Louel!!!Hiya Bulkybeef!!! I hope you are havin the BEST summer!!!
Ya I think EVERYONE put big hairey Foxybagholder on ingore button. Yearz and yearz of PAID BASHER THIS and PAID BASHER THAT and all that dirty donkey stuff getz quiet repeditive.
Foxy MUST be goin nutz with the new Caramax mining claimz dispute and the Cathy CFO lawsuite and all the delayz and dilution dilution dilution. Gotta wunder how many more yearz this can go on?? I dunno.
All the big hairey bagholderz been BLAMIN THE MARKET but the market is doin pretty good thank you. Copper fox metals stocks not so much.
How is the home renos and stuff goin???
Have the BESt day Bulkybeef!!! YeAH!!!